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Seller FAQs



What sellers is Culcha Spot/Shop looking for?

Established and growing Pan-African creative entrepreneurs, interested in building a thriving international network.

Can Allies sell on Culcha Spot/Shop?

Allies can create a CUSTOMER account and support brands and businesses.

Allies can also submit digital content to the Culcha Spot platform.


Are there any subscription fees or listing fees on Culcha Spot/Shop?

Subscription fees start at $15/month. Visit our Creator page for more information.

There are no listing fees charged, so you can list as many items as you like. However, you will be charged a commission fee of 5% for each transaction made. 


How do I sign up as a seller?

Simply click here to access the sign-up.

  1. Sign up by filling out all the mandatory fields in the application form. You will hear back from us within 24 hours.

  2. Once approved, you will be sent a link to finalize your sign-up and schedule an onboarding call.

  3. During the Onboarding Call we will review the:

    • Product/Content Tracker,

    • benefits and policies

    • potential project ideas

    • marketing expectations

  4. Complete the Product/Content Tracker and include all product details, including shipping information. The tracker will be used to update inventory and track sales and payout amounts. 


Can I become a seller if I live outside of the US?

Yes, We are currently working on improving our international seller offerings. If you live outside the United States, please reach out to us and we can walk you through your options. We understand that one of the biggest hurdles is shipping and fulfillment, so we will deal with each seller on a case-to-case basis.

Another option would be to monetize digital content through Culcha Spot.

We currently only use PayPal as a payout option, so sellers will need to have a PayPal account to receive payouts.



How do I sell something on Culcha Spot/Shop?

Once you fill out the Creator & Seller Form and are approved, you will receive the Product/Content Tracker to add listings and other product information. Changes made to the tracker will be reflected on the website within 1-3 business days.

>>We will add products to the correct collections when creating your listings. We also have an SEO team working to make sure our website and your products and content show up in search engine results. Some of the tags we consider include:

  • product type (plural and singular words)

  • available colors

  • available sizes

  • your shop name

  • categories

  • icons

  • historical figures featured on your product

  • patterns, prints, and symbol names

  • designs on your product


What can I sell?

Any physical or digital products. These products may include spiritual, cultural, and educational products, clothing, accessories, packaging, supplies, audiobooks, and more. At this moment we do not sell smoking-related products.

 This may change in the future.

Why is my product deleted/banned?

If any product does not adhere to the product policies in our terms of use, Culcha Spot/Shop reserves the right to delete/ban it to maintain a comfortable environment for all users.




How do I keep track of my sales?

Each quarter you will receive an itemized sales report via your business e-mail.


How can I keep track of orders that I receive?

New orders will be sent to your business e-mail.​ You must adhere to the shipping and fulfillment policies you shared when onboarding to ensure a seamless delivery process.

Where can I ship from?

We accept US and international sellers, granted that the seller can fulfill all international orders. Sellers will have to update their Shipping Methods when creating an account.


How do I set up my shipping?

You will be able to add your shipping and fulfillment information to your tracker. This is important as it will affect the amount you will have to spend on shipping. For example, if you state shipping is $8 for an item, but when you are creating a shipping label, the price is $11, it will cut into your profits, and we don't want that!

Upon request, we can set up shipping for you based on your location. 


Who covers the shipping cost?

The customer pays shipping costs based on the location of the product. The seller payment includes shipping costs, so the seller will be responsible for ordering the shipping labels via our platform or manually using other shipping options.

Can Culcha Shot fulfill my orders?

During our onboarding call we can discuss the potential of us fulfilling your orders. Currently this option is limited and on a case by case basis. 



How do I receive my Payout/Payment?

Culcha Spot/Shop will credit any Payout/Payment directly to your PayPal account provided on your “PAYMENT DETAILS” page after every successful transaction. This may take up to 72 hours. A 5% commission will be deducted from each sale transaction. If in any case an order is not shipped, we will refund the order and send you an invoice of payment owed to Culcha Spot/Shop.

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